We carry all tools and air to get you back on the road fast.

We provide mobile tire change service and towing to nearby tire shop if you do not have tire replacement. In short time our technician can swap flat tire on your car, van or pickup with emergency spare tire, install, inflate and inspect other tires to get you back on the road safely.


We Can Help You Now (619) 800-1811

We arrive with all necessary tools and equipment to take care of your breakdown fast and efficiently. Service vehicles are equipped with hydraulic jacks, tire irons, multiple wheel lug sockets and miscellaneous small tools.

Install  and Inflate Spare Tire

Just as long as you have spare tire in your car – you are OK. One of our technicians will come out to your location with all necessary tools to install temporary emergency spare tire. Properly mounted and inflated Emergency spare tire will allow you get to your destination and find local tire dealer to replace flat tire. 24 7 Lockout Roadside Assistance can handle dangerous blow out on San Diego freeway or just a flat tire in your driveway.

Flat tire repair service

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In some cases our roadside assistance tech can repair your punctured tire with permanent tire plug and after inflating it to proper pressure it would be ready to drive immediately. Understand, that not all types of tire punctures can be safely patched with tire plugs and we might need to install your spare tire to get you back on the road.

No spare tire Towing

Every day we get calls from customers who ran over some road debris and have gotten flat tire, but they either missing a spare wheel or the model they are driving does not come with emergency tire. In case of absence of spare tire San Diego Roadside Assistance 24 hour towing service is available to take your vehicle to nearest tire store to purchase new tire for your wheel.

mobile flat tire assistance san diego

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Wheel Lock removal / Stripped lug nuts

Having trouble removing flat tire because of some stripped lugnuts? We can help you remove any damaged tire nuts or bolts. Also if you find that your wheels have locking lug nuts and you are missing the key, we carry special tools to remove most of the wheel locks in San Diego.

Emergency Air / Tire Inflation

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Just need air in your tires or spare tire is flat too? Call San Diego 24hr Roadside Service for emergency air delivery. Out trucks carry on-board compressors and compressed air tanks.

My spare tire is different size than normal tires

Many time we get customer concerns about spare tire not being the same size as other tires, and if it is safe to use it. Vehicle manufacturer designed space saver spare tires to provide sufficient amount of ground clearance when installed and properly inflated. 99% of vehicles will operate fine with proper “donut” and let you drive up to 50mph.

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